Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Winter Rant

I would like to express my gratitude to all the men and women of Canada who have fought for our country.  Lest we forget.

I believe that as of late I have been rather lazy in my writing.  I wonder if this is winter getting the best of me already?  Almost everyone in my quilting group is working on Christmas stuff right now, and to be frank it makes me want to hurl.  I LIKE Christmas, but I have such a hard time getting into this proverbial 'spirit' everyone talks about.  I'm genuinely not a fan of snowmen, I don't really see that many artistic merits, especially since my first grader can make a better one than I can.  Or perhaps I'm doing everything I possibly can to avoid the panic rising in my gut telling me that I need to go... dun, dun, dun, Shopping.  I feel this frenzie just under the surface of my conscious mind, when I smile at passers by, see an advertisement, or the blur of Christmas lights on the side of the road in November!  This general distaste for the upcoming festivity is not helped by my young children being bombarded with Christmas crap and in turn harassing the heck out of me! [deep breath]  Alright I think that considering its only half way through November perhaps I should just chill out with the Christmas rants (how ironic).  So needless to say I have not been working on a Christmas project of any sort, not a gift to be had.

 I have been working on a very special project.  There is a call for entry over at Sandra's Studio .  The idea is to pick a mineral of Canada and create a piece of quilt art representing said mineral for a show in Toronto this coming spring (see link for more details).  I'm uncertain if I'm allowed to blog about my project or if it is supposed to be an exclusive thing, so for safety's sake I'm going to keep the whole project under wraps for the moment.  But here is a little peak.

I'm also working on yet another commissioned baby quilt of my own design (which I hope to keep precise notes on and maybe work out a pattern (dreams of a quilter eh!).  I have met many talented quilters over the past year and my friend Suzanne said to me once that she could have written many books by now if she had kept track of what she was doing.  Suzanne creates awesome original quilts (that really do read more like art to me).  I am not proposing that I will write a book, but I will keep track of my projects 'just in case'.

My husband and I have been making progress in my studio, it's going to be a while and it's cutting into my quilting time like you would not believe.  If your interested in renovation blogs feel free to check it out.  Renovation 800

Of course I'm linking up with the lovely and talented people over at The Needle and Thread Network.

I apologize to all the wonderful Christmas people out there who really do make the season magical, I don't mean to rain on the parade, I was just expressing my panic that turns to terror at the thought of all the stuff that 'needs' to be done.


  1. I feel your pain! It's a hit and miss with me. Some years I feel it, like this year. Some years I don't. I think I've been feeling better about things since I went Amazon Prime. I Christmas shop there, and avoid the mall at all costs! (Also I try to avoid Walmart and Target). I've love it! It's here in 2 day at no extra charge. I've never had a problem with the orders. Plus my family makes gift lists there, so there no wondering the perfect gift gift. Much less painful and frees up my time for more important things like quilting! I don't sweet the dinner anymore either. Honey baked ham with hawaiin rolls, veggie platters, cheese platter and general finger food with paper plates. I go all out on Thanksgiving, and relax on Christmas.

    Put the joy back into your Christmas, and do it the easy way!

  2. I know how you feel! I hate the thought of Christmas shopping. I can make Christmas wall hangings but I hate the shopping part! I use Amazon a lot! Looking forward to your secret project! Your studio sounds like it's going to be wonderful!

  3. I'm with you ffor Christmas, added to that the budget and always thinking that I bought the wrong thing....I haven't started any Christmas sewing either ;). Curious to see your project!

  4. Oh ....I tend to be with you on Christmas!! There is too much commercializing around it...people have everything they need; why buy more?? I love the idea of my whole family getting together for a huge dinner, but I;m exhausted by the time it is over....lol. But on another note; my shopping is done....gifts are wrapped. No more shopping!! lol.

    Thanks for sharing your sneak peek.have you thought about turning off your word verification???? This is my 4th attempt at that code....lol

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yay, I fixed it. Sorry about the difficulties. Congratulations on having all your shopping done, I'm truly jealous.

  5. I am also,with you on Christmas , as much as I love the reason for the season I really do not like the panic I feel very year . Great sneak peak , I am sure you will do well!

  6. I'm with you. We scaled back and now 3 presents for the 3 grand kiddies and a lovely day sitting around an undecorated house watching them play while we nibble. Nice stitching on your piece!

  7. Nice work Sam and...
    You've been tagged! A fun little blogging game to help share and get to know each other. Check out the rules on my blog here: http://passionquilting.blogspot.ca/2012/11/tag-youre-it-fun-little-blogging-game.html

  8. I feel your pain....not just is Christmas too expensive, and too much work, the shopping season lasts much too long. Thankfully my kids are adults now, so I can boycott it!!!

  9. Looking forward to the quilt for the show.

  10. I so understand where you are coming from. It's a fun time, but a crazy amount of work...and then there are the expectations. Ugh! There should be a rule that there are no Christmas 'stuff' until December 1st. I won't decorate until at least then (although the hubster did put up the Christmas lights yesterday, but that's just because he doesn''t want to do it when it's minus 15 - LOL!). Your project sounds very intriguing!
